On days like last Tuesday, when it’s too windy and cold to exercise outside, I fire up my indoor spinning bike. It may be good for my body, pedaling round and round in my home-made gym, but this isn’t exactly …
[Guest blogger Nina Peterson, NCC, ACC is COO and partner at Wisdom Works. Previously she blogged about discipline, creative tension, and belt-tightening techniques.]
Decisions are a constant part of our lives and, at least for me, they seem to …
You’d think the magazine Men’s Health was just for the boys, but I, too, have found valuable articles in there. Recently I read one about how to stay your healthy best in 2011 and it offered good advice such as: …
[Guest blogger Nina Peterson, NCC, ACC is partner and COO at Wisdom Works. In her last blog, she addressed reflecting back to move forward.]
2011 is over two weeks old. How are you doing with your resolutions? Like so …
I entered my chiropractor’s office with a slight limp. I hoped he had the fix. 30 minutes later I limped back out with a recipe for sore hips to add to my aching heel. So why am I pleased? It …
[Guest blogger Nina Peterson, NCC, ACC is the COO and a partner at Wisdom Works. In her last blog, she explored boundary-spanning leadership.]
With ten days until 2010 becomes history, I invite you to consider how you are ending …
[Guest blogger Nina Peterson is the COO and a partner at Wisdom Works. She last blogged about leadership strength through altruism.]
The recent news about WikiLeaks (see NPR for a detailed recap) reminds me of one of my …
[Guest blogger Nikki Carpenter is an ICF-certified professional coach at Wisdom Works. Highly active in the development of healthcare leaders since 1992 Nikki has taught, facilitated, and coached both not-for-profit and for-profit sectors. She earned a master’s in applied communication …
[Guest blogger Jerianne Heimendinger is a health, wellness, and fitness consultant who holds a Ph.D. from the Harvard School of Public Health. While at the National Institutes of Health, she helped develop the 5 A Day program. Renee interviewed …
[Guest blogger Sheldon Romer is a Wisdom Works Performance Coach who last blogged about inspired vulnerability and the sweaty leader.]
On Labor Day my wife and I became two of 3,500 evacuees from the worst fire in Colorado history. …