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Each month, we unpack the latest research, practices, and case studies to explain why thriving is top of mind for forward-thinking leaders, and how to integrate wellbeing into your leadership, your organization, brands, and people—and just as essential, your life.

Passions you’ll find central to this newsletter:

→ How can we create the conditions for people to leave work more capable, energized, and well than when they came?
→ How does doing so benefit teams, organizations, brands, and the customers?
→ How does all of this benefit the world? 


Latest Issues

Building Sustainable Habits: A Guide for Leaders

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Stepping into the role of thriving leadership can result in dramatic shifts in how you live and lead. More often, though, it’s about a setting a clear intention and making small, positive changes that accumulate over time. The process for incorporating a new habit into your life and work isn’t magic, nor it is easy for most of us. One survey reports that, shockingly, only 9% of people stick to their New Year’s goals. Here’s something I’m working on this year: Spending less time on my computer. I know less screen time will enormously benefit my wellbeing mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically, yet I must remind myself to do it. Not only is my job often computer-heavy, using the computer only when it’s essential is a new behavior—and, like all new habits, putting it into practice requires attention and effort. Fortunately, the science behind habit formation offers valuable insights for turning that effort into greater ease. This practical guide will support you in creating and sustaining new habits that transform your vision of thriving leadership into a lasting reality. A Brief Masterclass on the Science of Habits Habits are formed by behaviors you repeatedly do, usually in a specific context. Take,…

Your state of wellbeing shapes your vision

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If you’re like most good leaders, you engage your team in a compelling vision and goals that motivate and direct them toward outcomes that matter. You may also create an inspiring vision to guide your decisions in life and work personally. Yet, like most leaders, you may have overlooked a principle that’s crucial to this aspirational focus: Your psychological and physiological states influence what you believe about your current circumstances and shape the future you believe is possible. Your state of being informs your future. It probably comes as no surprise that when we’re dysregulated, disenchanted, or depleted, we’re more apt to view certain opportunities as out of reach or feel trapped in a situation with no way out. We’ve all been there at some point. On the flip side, when we’re feeling internally well-resourced and vibrant we’re likely to see brighter possibilities for the future ahead. Shifting into a state of thriving can strengthen the power of you and your team to set and achieve a vision and goals that make a difference. In fact, it’s one of the essential shifts of thriving leadership. Thriving strengthens us in at least these 6 ways: Clear Thinking and Decisions. It’s difficult…

New Research Shows Our Experiences Shape Our Biology

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A new scientific framework offers potential for personalized health and wellbeing care. In this world of disruption and change, the demands on all of us are higher than ever, yet we’re often not handling our demands with high levels of wellbeing and growth. Instead of thriving, we often function from a state of chronic dysregulation. We pay a high personal cost for operating this way. Over time, our chronic stress can develop into a host of physical, mental, and social health challenges, such as high blood pressure, migraines, sleep disturbances, digestive issues, depression, anxiety, breakdowns in relationships, and diminished meaning and performance in our lives and work. Our organizations and societies pay a high cost, too. Currently, 60% of employees in major global economies feel overstressed, with hybrid workers and women frequently reporting the highest stress levels. Nearly half of millennials worldwide report concerns about their long-term financial future, and 1 in 5 adults report feeling lonely.  In Wisdom Works’ research, we find managers with lower levels of wellbeing generally linked to lower levels of impact. So, I was delighted to talk with Dr. Rachel Gilgoff about a new scientific framework for understanding the biology of stress that she and…

Celebrating 25 Years of Thriving Together

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2024: A Year for Celebrating 25 Years of Thriving Together This year, the Wisdom Works team celebrates 25 years of pursuing our mission to create a world where everyone thrives. Since our founding in 1999, we’ve been driven by the belief that leadership, relationships, and purpose have the power to transform not just workplaces, but entire lives. Yet, we also recognize that true transformation is never the work of one individual or entity alone. Our 25-year milestone reflects what we’ve achieved together with our clients, partners, and global community—all united in the shared commitment to thriving and flourishing.   Here’s a timeline of highlights from our 25 years in business: 1999 Life partners Renee and David Moorefield co-founded Wisdom Works. With no prior entrepreneurial experience, they were inspired by a deep passion to build healthier leaders and teams that could drive meaningful change in organizations—and in the world. 1999-2000 We launched transformational leadership programs, developing the mindset and capabilities of executive teams to lead with collective purpose, vision, and action. Leaders and teams honed skills such as mindfulness, focus, energy management, constructive commitment, feedback for growth, and tapping into whole-person wisdom. 2000 In partnership with LeeAnn Mallory, we built coaching…