Discover Your Inner Capacity to Thrive & Lead
Joanna Lau, Dianne Culhane, and Wisdom Works are proud to offer the first 100 leaders a complimentary opportunity to experience Be Well Lead Well Pulse®—the only assessment to combine the latest neuroscience and research on psychological wellbeing, stress resilience, and thriving leadership in one place (a $200 value!).
This holistic self-assessment equips you with an 11-page personalized feedback report mapping what enables or erodes your ability to thrive as a leader and whole person. Plus, you’ll be supported with a 1-hour virtual session to help you turn your insights into actions for expanding your effectiveness through your capacity to thrive.
Be Well Lead Well Pulse® Framework of Thriving
Evaluating your state of flourishing and stress resilience today, as well as your optimism about the future.
Using diet, movement, rest, and breath to manage stress and sustain optimal energy and performance.
Being in the zone—bringing your full engagement and presence to life and work.
Evolving through your challenges, embracing differences and innovation, and unleashing the power of awe.
Tapping into your inner greatness—your worthwhile purpose, inspired vision, and your innate genius for guiding people toward positive impact.
Accelerating your leadership potential to empower thriving in teams, the organization, and beyond.