Wisdom Works is transforming how we live and work by bringing the science and cultural insights of human thriving to life for leaders, teams, and brands.

"Be Well Lead Well® will help you develop soft and hard skills to lead yourself and your teams into a new paradigm of leadership and vitality. This will transform how you view your own potential—in your health and career."

Richard Kim, M.D.Assistant Professor of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine

“The time for putting wellbeing into practice is now. Wisdom Works helped me unpack the depth of science behind wellbeing to uncover new ways of leading a wellbeing culture for our company, inside and out.”

Dondeena BradleyGlobal Vice President, Nutrition & Wellbeing, Barilla

“This is the first time in nearly two decades of working in this industry that I’ve witnessed a truly holistic, integrative approach to enlightened leadership and wellbeing. Be Well Lead Well Pulse® is not your standard executive health or leadership development program. Instead, it takes the best of science – physical, intellectual, and emotional – and offers true, transformational change from the inside out, led by some of the best available talent in the world.”

Mia KyricosPresident and CEO, Kyricos & Associates, LLC

"Wisdom Works has the unique combination of both the science of wellbeing and how to integrate into who we are as leaders. This is not just about good health but creating a healthy and thriving organization to win in the market.”

Bill TompkinsSenior Vice President, Macy’s Inc.

"Wellbeing is critical to the sustainability of our company, as well as the personal lives of our employees. To inspire a culture of wellbeing in our business unit, we turned to Be Well Lead Well® and the team at Wisdom Works for assistance. Their work clearly helped us bridge the gap between wellbeing, effective leadership, and meaningful success."

Jia GayGroup Human Resources Director, Middle East & North Africa, The Coca-Cola Company

"A great program and tool to help leaders prioritize their wellbeing in service of themselves and the teams they lead. Honored to be part of this wonderful community who will make such a difference."

Jackie Alcalde Marr, MHROD, PCC, CPCCFounder, Evolutions Consulting Group


Wisdom Works grows the positive impact of aspiring and accomplished leaders alike.

Through our state-of-the-art programs, transformative leadership development, and strategic advisory services, we empower leaders to make thriving a game-changer for their teams and organizations, as well as themselves.


A global movement of change leaders passionate about creating environments where everyone can thrive.

Founded in 1999 on the belief that real leadership and wisdom spring from the vitality of leaders themselves, Wisdom Works partners with Fortune 100 companies and entrepreneurial innovators to build their leadership capacity and effectiveness.

We accelerate leadership impact with Be Well Lead Well®, our science-based platform of assessments, education, and culture change resources, backed by a growing network of practitioners around the globe.




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Latest News and Articles

Creativity has no age limit

| Be Well Lead Well Newsletter, Leading Wellbeing, Thriving Leadership, Wellbeing for You | No Comments

We all got these big ideas. One day they’re replaced with fears. How did we get here? Darlin’, don’t quit your daydream. It’s your life that you’re making. It ain’t big enough if it doesn’t scare the hell out of you. If it makes you nervous, it’s probably worth it. Why save it for sleep when you could be living your daydream? Lily Meola’s song Daydream (quoted above) beautifully captures how we diminish our lives and work when we disconnect with our ability to imagine. She reminds us we come alive when we reconnect with our inborn creative power. I used to be in a tug of war with my creativity. For the sake of that ever-important “to-do” list, early in my career it was easy to dismiss the inspirations bubbling up within me. Yet, I’ve learned that creativity is not only a natural wellspring of wellbeing, when put to constructive use, it’s also an expression of the best of our individual and collective ingenuity. Just look around you: In large and small ways, people are applying their creativity to accomplish the improbable and extraordinary every day. Today, I tune in to my creative impulses and encourage others to do…

We are being called into a New Paradigm of Leadership

| Be Well Lead Well Newsletter, Leading Wellbeing, The Face of Thriving Leadership, Thriving Leadership, Thriving Planet, Wellbeing for You | No Comments

I recently participated in a transformative ceremony with Native American elders in New Mexico as part of a gathering of leadership development professionals hosted by our team at Wisdom Works. At dusk one evening, we formed a circle under the canopy of a huge cottonwood tree to celebrate the mystery of life in the seven, sacred directions integral to the elders’ worldview: East, South, West, North, the Earth, the Cosmos, and Within. The experience was medicine for my soul; l left it feeling deeply connected and restored. Why did this ceremony leave such an indelible impression within me? Because the wisdom these Elders conveyed was simple and profound: Our interconnectedness is inextricable. The birds and trees and rocks and rivers are our relatives, and as relatives, no being is any better than any other. Humans are not the center of life, we are part of life’s fine-tuned web. Consider a few of the countless examples of how we interconnected: Of the 3 billion genetic building blocks that make up living things, we are 99.9% genetically similar to each other across the globe, 98.8% similar to chimps, 94% similar to dogs, and 60% similar to fruit flies and bananas! We rely…

Stressed-out Decisions Can Reap Stressful Consequences

| Be Well Lead Well Newsletter, Framework of Thriving, Leading Wellbeing, Thriving Leadership, Wellbeing for You | No Comments

An executive recently said to me, “I feel like I’m making big decisions while walking in molasses.” He’s mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted, working from a depth of fatigue that can’t be cured by a good night’s sleep. Ever felt the same way? All of us experience periods when we don’t feel as internally well-resourced to handle the complexities and demands we find ourselves in. No one is immune from this aspect of being human. Yet, too often, we’re operating from states of prolonged distraction, disconnection, and depletion. Feeling dysregulated at times is normal, yet the research intersecting wellbeing and leadership emphasizes that leading while chronically overstressed can have damaging consequences to the decisions we make, impacting our results, our lives, and the lives of others. For example, scientists at Stanford University’s School of Medicine find that physician burnout may be the source of more medical errors than unsafe medical workplace conditions; plus, it’s linked to lower quality of patient care, lower patient satisfaction, and higher physician turnover. The diminished wellbeing of judges can erode courtroom decorum and the decisions made, harming the people served and the public’s trust and confidence in the judicial system. In sports, high anxiety, burnout,…

#WisdomWorks Framework of Thriving™ maps six science-backed pathways for elevating wellbeing for greater #LeadershipEffectiveness. 

Based on decades of experience developing leaders in Fortune 500 companies and several scientific scales, the framework emphasizes #thriving as an innate resource that people can actively nurture as the basis of human potential, adaptability and growth, fulfillment, and sustainable performance. 

In organizations, high thriving is linked to...
*employee productivity and engagement, 
*prosocial behaviors and teamwork, 
*staff and customer loyalty, 
*workplace citizenship, 
*brand effectiveness, 
*environmental responsibility, 
*profitability and agility,
*positive work culture

With so many positive impacts, who wouldn't want their employees to #thriveatwork?
Only a few days left for early bird registration for our October cohort! 

Develop the #futureleaders in your team or organization (including yourself) with the Be Well Lead Well Pulse® Certification Program. During this week long experiential program, you’ll discover the latest science of human thriving and its practical application in your work, as well as the training necessary to integrate the Be Well Lead Well Pulse® framework and assessment into your work. 

#leadershipdevelopment #executivecoaching #training #thrivingatwork #wellbeingatwork #leadership #futureofwork @marswrigley
Our latest study showed that the extent to which the leader experienced their self as well resourced mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically (in essence, their innate capacity to #thrive) significantly shaped their ability to lead. 

Your innate capacity to thrive is an invaluable resource for your #leadership. 
Are you thriving? Is your team thriving? 

#wellbeingresearch #studyfindings #thrivingatwork #leadershipdevelopment #positiveimpact #BeWellLeadWell
Are you thriving? Are your employees thriving? 

Our holistic assessment Be Well Lead Well Pulse® can support you in measuring your capacity to #thrive and take meaningful action for your #wellbeing at work and in life. 

#ReadytoThrive #BeWellLeadWell #wellbeingatwork #thrivingteams #leadershipdevelopment #thriving #leadership #wisdom #livingsystems #thrivability
A strategic focus on #wellbeing could increase your #positiveimpact. 

@WisdomWorksGroup research reveals that 34% of a leader's reported impact can be explained by their wellbeing. Meaning that when leaders enhance their wellbeing they increase their ability to create conditions where everyone can thrive. 

#BeWellLeadWell #wellbeingleadership #wellbeingatwork #impact #collaboration #potential #selfcare #servantleadership #thrivingcultures #readytothrive
We believe this is not only possible, it is the true meaning of effective leadership! 

#ReadytoThrive #Thrivingworkplaces #workplaceculture #transformation #leadersoftomorrow #workingwithwisdom #purpose #leadership #wellbeingatwork #BeWellLeadWell

The Wisdom Works team believes wealth and wellbeing are partners, not adversaries. Giving back is an integral part of our business engine. 1% of our gross revenues go to Capital Sisters International to support microloans to women in developing nations who are denied access to traditional financial services. Learn more.

Capital Sisters International